
The jungle travelers were poked and prodded by lanky wild foliage obstructing their view as they tried to inch forward. Being unaware of the dangers ahead heightened the tension of their dangling emotions. Only one remained undaunted: It was his clever bobbing and weaving which moved them forward at all. He thrived on his friends’ experience teetering on the edge between thrill and terror.

At just about that brink, a clearing appeared. They had made it; they were safe. They felt brave and triumphant as the Red Radio Flyer Wagon was pulled to the end of the ride. Their fearless leader had given them the hoped-for experience, and the four-foot-tall weeds in his Northern California back yard was the perfect live canvas.

Dan Anderson, known as Danny as a boy, has always been passionate about creating experiences for others. The call to create a true experience for others, beyond merely listening, looking, or attending has been the common thread in his career, from his work in trade show design to producing and directing large corporate events.

Dan has combined his years of creating experiences with his artistic talent into one medium: oils on canvas. He’s painted everything from kids on a playground, capturing the experience of watching children expend their boundless energy, to fantastical and imaginary landscapes that unleash creativity and inspiration in the viewer.

Dan’s skill at evoking emotion in his artwork lends itself beautifully to commissioned personal pieces, such as a portrait of a loved father and grandfather highlighted at his life celebration. A large painting of a favorite family vacation destination lives above another family’s mantel and reminds them daily of their experiences, bonding and love. Another family feels the presence of a child lost too early and remembers her part in their eternal family.

Dan felt honored and touched when a Gold Star mother asked to display his large patriotic painting entitled “Taps” over her hero son’s casket as he was honored for his service, bravery, and ultimate sacrifice. A creative painting of victorious children standing on a stack of books found its perfect home in the office of a specialist who works with dyslexic students.

Whether it was a custom piece or a painting that simply captured a buyer’s heart, Dan’s artwork is cherished and has enriched the lives of those who hang it in their homes or workplaces. Now, Dan has dedicated himself full time to creating emotive experiences for others through his art. He loves bringing any client concept to life in a way that’s above and beyond what they might have expected—just as he once did for neighborhood kids with his backyard “jungle” excursion.